Pelatihan Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) Dalam Pencapaian Tujuan Pembelajaran Yang Berorientasi Pada Pengetahuan, Sikap, Dan Keterampilan
This community service was carried out with the aim of providing training in the application of the Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) learning model to achieve the goals of science learning that is oriented towards knowledge, attitudes, and skills at SD Advent 3 Medan Private Elementary School. The emergence of this idea originated from a preliminary study in the form of observations and interviews conducted by the proposer with the head of Medan Adventist 3 Private Elementary School, which stated that science learning in this school was only carried out in the classroom and theory oriented (teacher center). This condition indicates that the goal is not achieved science learning that is oriented to knowledge, attitudes, and skills In general, the PKM implementation method is divided into three core activities, namely preparation, implementation, and evaluation. In the preparatory stage, five sub-activities were carried out, including: (1) curriculum analysis and preparation of teaching materials, (2) preparation of program achievement evaluation tools, (3) preparation of guidance/training schedules, (4) socialization of guidance/training schedules to teachers and Adventist 3 Medan private elementary school students, and (5) preparation of training tools and materials.
At the implementation stage, the proposing team provided training to teachers and students of Adventist 3 Medan Private Elementary School. Technical training for teachers, namely: 1) providing Learning Implementation Plans (RPP) for each learning material to be trained, 2) demonstrating the POE learning model to training participant teachers, 3) training participant teachers practice the POE learning model independently, and 4) evaluating the teacher's performance in practicing the POE learning model. This program is expected to be able to improve the pedagogic skills and professionalism of science teachers at Advent 3 Medan Private Elementary School which will lead to an increase in students' science learning achievement.
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