Menyiapkan Generasi Alpha Peduli Pertanian di Lingkungan Sekolah Dasar Negeri 027089 Kota Binjai
The alpha generation is the generation born from 2010 to 2025, the generation born when technology is growing rapidly. The generation born in this era is very familiar with the development of information and communication technology, where in the future this generation is expected to be able to drive changes in the progress of the agricultural sector. So this is the basis for preparing a generation that cares about agriculture. So, the purpose of this service is to change the mindset of elementary school students to be able to care about agriculture, increase the ability for the alpha generation to be able to master the cultivation of modern, energy-efficient and clean agricultural crops with verticulture and hydroponic technology for elementary school students, to use land productively by cultivating vegetables and medicines, introducing an entrepreneurial spirit. So that the training process can be carried out properly and easily understood by partners, it is carried out in several stages, namely lectures, discussions/questions and answers, and direct practice and mentoring. Community service is carried out together with a partner group, namely SD Negeri 027089 Kota Binjai. The results of the dedication carried out at Public School 027089 Kota Binjai showed that students responded well to the community service activities. Students do tutorials on planting vegetable plants at school with enthusiasm. So it can be concluded that this service activity can run well and smoothly.
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