Bandar Setia Village is one of the villages in Percut Sei Tuan District which has enormous potential to be developed if the existing government programs can be followed up jointly by the local government, community and universities. Bandar Setia Village has a demographic and topographical location that strongly supports activities and activities in all forms of community activities such as community service activities which cannot be separated from the role of students for community empowerment programs carried out by lecturers and students can increase solidarity and concern for the condition of the community particularly those in need of legal assistance.
As is the case with children, in this case children have rights which the child has not yet fully obtained in their integration. In fact, as the next generation of the nation, it is natural for the state to provide guarantees for child protection, because children are the image of the future of the country. As for the fulfillment of children's rights, including civil rights and freedoms, family environment and care, basic health and welfare, education, use of free time, cultural activities and special protection.
Therefore, community service in Bandar Setia Village is aimed at the surrounding community to provide socialization and knowledge related to legal protection of children's rights.
The method used in this service uses a socio-legal approach where the implementation is through counseling and lecture methods in Bandar Setia Village.
The result of this community service is an increase in the legal awareness of the Bandar Setia village community in understanding children's rights so that the desired protection of children's rights will be achieved, through the role of academics.
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