Adolescence is a transition period from
childhood to adulthood. Various changes
occur inteenagers, both physical and
psychological changes that require
teenagers to be able toadapt. During this
period, teenagers experience development
to reach physical, mental, socialand
emotional maturity. The characteristics of
early adolescence are emotional
instability,more prominent attitudes and
morals, beginning to perfect mental
abilities and intelligence,many problems
faced and a critical period. Teenagers are
synonymous with excess energy.This
energy must be channeled in the right
channel. If activities at school or in the
socialenvironment are inadequate to
meet the demands of their energy
fluctuations, teenagersoften release their
excess energy in negative directions such
as aggressive behavior. As ageneration,
the future of the nation and state rests on
their shoulders, teenagers are expectedto
be able to fill their teenage years with
things that support their future and should
not takeactions that do the opposite. The
news broadcast and published in various
media provides anillustration of an
increase in aggressive behavior in
teenagers. Aggressiveness is an intentional
act of harm by a person or institution
against another person or institution.
Goleman explains that emotional
intelligence is the ability to recognize
one's ownfeelings and the feelings of
others, the ability to motivate oneself and
the ability to manageemotions well in
oneself and in relationships with other
people. If someone is good atadapting
to the moods of other individuals, that
person will have a good level of
emotionalityand will more easily adapt
to social interactions and their
environment. With emotional
intelligence, someone is able to place
emotions appropriately, sort out
satisfaction andregulate mood.
According to Goleman mood
coordination is the essence of good
socialrelationships. So if someone is good
at adapting to the moods of other
individuals, that personwill have a good
emotional level and will more easily
adapt to social interactions and their
environment. Some of the explanations
above are that in stressful conditions, it is
possiblethat a person can lose control of
their emotions and lead to violent acts.
on the one hand,emotional intelligence
can help someone reduce the
occurrence of acts of violence. The
ability to control and control emotions
well, as well as a sense of mutual respect
and respectbetween fellow humans or
fellow citizens, will create a safe, orderly
and peaceful situation.Emotional
intelligence is needed so that someone,
when facing a problem that can cause
stress, can control their emotions.
Emotional intelligence will make a
difference in responding to conflict,
uncertainty and stress.Emotional
intelligence is needed to overcome life's
problems and is an important basis for
becoming a human being who is full of
responsibility, full of attention, full of love
Keywords:Socialization, Emotional
Intelligence, Sense of Emotion.
Full Text:
Goleman, Daniel. 2015. Emotional
Intelligence. Jakarta : Gramedia
Soeparwoto. 2007. Psikologi Pendidikan.
Semarang : UPT MKK UNNES
Lestari, P dkk. Tingkat Kecerdasan Emosi
Peserta Didik Kelas XI di SMA
Negeri 15Palembang. Jurnal
Konseling Koperhensif. 6 (1) . 11-20.
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