Penyuluhan Hukum Dan Edukasi Tentang Kesetaraan Hak Gender
Bandar Setia Village is one of the villages in Percut Sei Tuan Sub-district which has enormous potential to be developed if existing programs in the government can be followed up jointly by the local government, community and universities. Bandar Setia Village has a demographic and topographic location that is very supportive of activities and activities in all forms of community activities such as community service activities that are inseparable from the role of students for community empowerment programs carried out by lecturers and students can increase attitudes of solidarity and concern for community conditions, especially those in need of legal assistance.
As with gender equality, it tends to position women in the domestic area. This is due to the perspective of some people, especially those who still strongly adhere to patriarchal culture. This is what ultimately creates gender injustice for women in society and households. In fact, women also have the same rights to obtain an equal position (gender equality), just like men. The definition of gender itself, in the view of a number of experts, is the result of the socio-cultural construction of society that divides the domestic space into "women's territory" while the public space is "owned by men." In urban communities, it is rare for men and women to draw clear boundaries between domestic and public in their activities. The two areas (domestic and public) already seem to be "melting". This can be seen by women working in the public sphere (office work), and vice versa.
Therefore, community service in Bandar Setia Village aimed at the surrounding community to provide socialization and legal knowledge related to gender equality towards the rights of men and women.
The method used in this service uses a socio-legal approach method where the implementation is through counseling and lecture methods in Bandar Setia Village and its surroundings.
The result of this community service is an increase in the legal awareness of the Bandar Setia village community in understanding the rights of men and women related to gender equality in general so that protection of the desired rights will be achieved, through the role of academics.
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