The challenge of the Indonesian nation in this era of openness is the readiness of the younger generation, especially students, to be able to maintain the existence of the Indonesian nation and homeland, amidst the rapid changes and the entry of outside influences. The concept of love for the homeland is one of the efforts to ward off negative effects in the era of openness. Introducing cultural diversity to students can be an effort to develop character education in the campus environment, including growing love for the country or nationalism and an attitude of tolerance to respect each other in the frame of diversity. The introduction of ethnic diversity and national culture as well as growing love for the country is the main educational capital and we must continue to cultivate it from an early age. The concept of love is one of the important concepts that exist in any culture, one of the most important concepts of love is love for the homeland. While love for the homeland as a way of thinking, acting and acting that shows a high concern and appreciation for the language, physical, social, cultural, economic and political environment as well as the nation. Patriotism is a way of thinking, acting and having insight that places the interests of the nation and state above the interests of themselves and their groups. Thus, to create the character of Quality University PGSD students, they must make a habit of the process of forming attitudes and behaviors that are relatively permanent and automatic through a repetitive learning process. Something you get used to will be easy to implement. The formation of the character of love for the homeland carried out by PGSD students of Quality University is through study visits at the Istaimun Cultural Park which is based on learning carried out continuously. respect and behavior to defend, maintain and protect their homeland willing to sacrifice for the interests of the nation and the country
Full Text:
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