The development of technology in civil engineering building construction is increasingly helping engineers conduct better engineering studies. The development of technology has developed in terms of its construction techniques. The development of structural reinforcement systems has also progressed with the existence of inventions such as chemical anchor which is one of the inventions which is now widely used in reinforcing concrete structures. The time and cost of using this method is certainly more efficient, especially in the matter of the transfer of building functions. That is, if the building which was originally three floors can be raised to five floors, using a chemical anchor system. This means that the structure can be strengthened, it does not need to be destroyed. The researcher conducted an experimental study to obtain anchor tensile strength values in several variations in depth diameter, anchor distance and edge distance in order to bring up the pre-existing anchor pull as a guide material for the use of more appropriate anchor in construction buildings as needed. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in tensile loads M10 and M12 based on each concrete anchor distance and to the edge of the concrete using the quality f'c 16.26 MPa. The method used is qualitative research by conducting experiments in the Concrete Civil Engineering Laboratory of Quality University. This research is expected to be able to assist construction players in choosing the design of the anchor specifications for the needs of most precise construction buildings, and can also be useful in any construction sector that requires in controlling the quality of the anchor.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.36764/ju.v4i1.353
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