Implementasi Bimbingan Belajar Gratis di SD Negeri 173422 Kecamatan Pollung Kabupaten Humbang Hasudutan

Juniko Esra Tarigan, Indah Meilana, Putri Febriani Situmorang


The discussion in this activity is about the Implementation of Free Tutoring at SD Negeri 173422, Pollung District, Humbang Hasudutan Regency. Through free tutoring activities for students of SD 173422, Pollung District, Humbang Hasudutan Regency, there will be improvements in learning outcomes. The results of the first and second weeks show that free tutoring activities can run as planned. This is based on the enthusiasm of the participants in participating in the activities and listening to the material presented. Based on this, the participants who are generally students of SD Negeri 173422 Pollung have received a lot of motivation, information related to the importance of learning. So wherever and whenever we can learn and it is not enough to just get it while at school. Likewise, children who participate in tutoring can continue to repeat lessons at home even though this tutoring has been completed. So that the hope of implementing this free tutoring can be carried out well and can motivate all participants to continue learning.


Free Tutoring, Student Learning Motivation

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