Frikson Jony Purba, Renato Gema Nugraha Hutabarat, Darius Simanjuntak, Jurihan Doni Nababan, Boyke Sianturi


The importance of education must be developed in the midst of society, especially in school-age children. At this time, education can no longer be ignored because of its very important role in improving the future of children, because the education of the nation's children is now increasingly far from being good with the accompaniment of the modern era which is full of information technology which is growing rapidly day by day with renewal. . One of the reasons for the importance of education for children, among them in today's society, is experiencing the problem of a knowledge crisis that has an impact on behavior and daily life. This pattern of life must be corrected immediately for the sake of a better life for the nation. Joint efforts to create a life that is cultured in education that is in accordance with the personality of the Indonesian nation at this time is not enough through the implementation of learning based on the 2013 curriculum that has been implemented. The teacher as the front guard in learning must really do real action examples in accordance with the conditions that occur. Attitudes and development of social aspects must be improved at this time. 

To counteract changes in the culture and behavior of students at this time, the importance of education for school-age children can be used as an important reference for realizing good habitual behavior for all parties, including students at this time.
Based on the description above, it is considered necessary to hold activities using learning methods for motivation. The importance of education in the community, especially the people of Karo district, Kabanjahe sub-district. The Importance of Education held in Karo District, Kec. Kabanjahe, which collaborates with the Karo Education Care Youth Forum (FP3K). This activity will be held on Friday 27 January 2023 with lecture and discussion methods for children.



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